The Twilight Years

Created by Steven 3 years ago
After dad passed, Susan would spend Friday, her day off work, with mum.  In the warmer months this might involve a trip out in Bunty (Susan's soft top Mini).  A particular highlight was a trip along the seafront with the roof down - mum had never been in an 'open top' before but she certainly enjoyed the wind in her hair.  We would often stop off somewhere for coffee and cakes, mum had a sweet tooth, and loved sampling the many homebaked goods Daisy liked to conjure up.  She liked to tell Susan about the day of her birth.  Susan was born just after mum's lunchtime main course, and once Susan had arrived she made sure she still got her dessert.  Susan also procured a wheelchair for mum, though she never really liked going out in it - too close to the ground and too bumpy - once she created such a stir that onlookers probably thought we'd abducted her from an old people's home.  Never too old for a good telling off!